I can't describe it but I feel such a sense of pride when I don the uniform. I enjoy the rigour and discipline that NPCC requires. When I teach my juniors drills, and when they understand and master the skills, I'm really proud and have a great sense of accomplishment. I think drills are particularly important for guys, since we need to enlist in National Service. Won't be blur-blur next time!
Preparation for the Campcraft competition before the pandemic halted it, was a significant memory. I got to work with the Sec 3s and 4s, who were more experienced. There was a lot of training involved, and it covered lots of different skills required for outdoor activities. I even have a sun burn souvenir from training under the hot sun…I still have the tan lines!
I was proud when I was given this leadership role. But a lot of responsibility came with it. I have to manage my time between my studies and CCA. I’ve learned to be calm at all times. You can only solve the problem and get the situation under control when you’re calm. Communication is key. I’ve been there when communication wasn’t good and lots of time was wasted.
Needless to say, Covid-19 has been a challenge for all CCAs. It’s tough to be a leader when we meet less often. Switching between online and face-to-face meetings requires adjustment from everyone.